Use the Powerpoint answer question 1,2 and do Exit Ticket, please provide charts


Use the Powerpoint answer question 1,2 and do Exit Ticket, please provide charts

Use the Powerpoint answer question 1,2 and do Exit Ticket, please provide charts
This lesson includes 2 videos. After the lesson: 1. Share one or two interesting thoughts about the lesson, the videos, or the Exit Ticket questions 2. Consider the needs of your students from diverse groups and perpectives.
3. Exit Ticket
a. Explain the importance of knowing statistics as a special educator. If you didn’t understand statistics, what are some problems you might encounter as a special educator?
b. What are the measures of central tendency? Explain their importance in special education.
c. What does variance mean? How does it differ from the standard deviation?
d. Draw the normal curve and label all of the percentages associated with it.
e. Create a small data set. Graph it. Calculate the mean, median and mode.


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