Overview Environmental geology is a subdiscipline of geology that applies the pr


Environmental geology is a subdiscipline of geology that applies the pr

Environmental geology is a subdiscipline of geology that applies the principles of geology to understand our intersection with the natural environment, including how we impact it and it impacts us. The issues that fall under this overarching topic are varied and frequently the focus of political and cultural discourse. We will watch environmental-geology related videos in this class that introduce you to some of the environmental-geology themed topics being discussed today. You will watch the video and individually consider the issue by composing and submitting a response to a prompt outlined below. Instructions
Watch the video below.
After watching the video, use the textbox provided when you click on “Submit Assignment” to compose a 200 – 400 word response, written in complete sentences, that:Lists the topics and/or terms that you recognize from the content presented in class and/or your textbook.
Describes how people, society, and/or the environment are affected positively by the main issue discussed in this video. NOTE: This may be explicitlyLinks to an external site. stated in the video or it may be something that you extrapolateLinks to an external site. from what you heard/saw. Describes how people, society, and/or the environment are affected negatively by the main issue discussed in this video. NOTE: This may be explicitlyLinks to an external site. stated in the video or it may be something that you extrapolateLinks to an external site. from what you heard/saw. Describes, in your own words, what you thought the central message of this video was. In other words, what do you think the speaker was trying to convince the audience of?
Discusses whether you agree with the speaker’s central message or disagree with the speaker’s central message AND why, specifically referencing what you have learned in class in this Module and/or past Modules.
Lists two questions that came to mind while you were watching this video.
This is NOT a summary. Please do NOT summarize the film. Instead, use the limited words you have to address the prompt directly. Remember, more is not always more. NO AI OR PLAGARISM


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