Junior Policy Analysis: Using the policy selected for the “Under Resourced in A


Junior Policy Analysis: Using the policy selected for the “Under Resourced in A

Junior Policy Analysis: Using the policy selected for the “Under Resourced in America” portion of the assignment, provide a brief analysis of the selected policy.
The paper should be 2 to 3 pages (body) and must include the following components of a policy analysis:
What is the specific policy or general policy area to be analyzed?
What people, or groups of people initiated and/ or promoted the policy?
What people, or groups of people opposed the policy?
What issue or problem does the problem target?
What population is affected by the problem? Provide statistics.
What theory or theories of human behavior are explicit or implicit in the policy?
What are the major social values related to the problem and what value conflicts exist?
What are the manifest and latent goals of the policy?
What are the outcomes of the policy/program in relation to the stated goals?
What, if any, are the unintended consequences of the policy?


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