In this discussion we are going to investigate the utility and accuracy of gener


In this discussion we are going to investigate the utility and accuracy of gener

In this discussion we are going to investigate the utility and accuracy of generative AI. You will need an account at OpenAI in order to access ChatGPT. You do not need to have the paid 4.0 version to use these tools.
Pick a trait or disease (phenotype) in humans or another living species to learn more about the relationship among genotype, phenotype, and the environment for that trait. Copy and paste the following prompt into ChatGPT replacing the blanks with your species and trait of interest:
“I am a student in an evolution course. What is the relationship among genotype, phenotype, and the environment for _(insert trait here)_ in _(insert species here)_?”Your post must include:
An uploaded photo or video of the trait
The response from ChatGPT
Response to peers:
Reply to two peers with feedback on their trait. Do you agree with ChatGPT’s assessment regarding importance of genotype vs. environment for the trait? Do you know anything about this trait that was not included?
100 word minimum
131.1 K
Evolution4e-Fig-15-17-0_600Item Options


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