For this discussion: A) Select a retail operation or product that is gendered or


For this discussion:
A) Select a retail operation or product that is gendered or

For this discussion:
A) Select a retail operation or product that is gendered or racialized to attract a specific audience but is not labeled as such. Example: Virginia Slims cigarettes.
B) Describe one characteristic that is linked to the gendered or racialized portrayal. Example: Cigarettes aimed at women are almost invariably described in terms that evoke thinness.
C) Respond to at least one other student’s post with a characteristic that might also be linked to the product or operation they describe.
The product must have been available for sale within the last three years.
Remember to follow the question/answer format. For A and B above, cut and paste them into your submission, then write your response beneath. Failure to follow the formatting will result in the loss of points.
Note: Products like Aunt Jemima, where the symbol of the product or brand is racialized, DO NOT MEET the requirements of this assignment. Don’t analyze them. While the symbol is indeed racial, it is not designed to attract a racialized or gendered audience. Please feel free to email me with questions about the operation or product you would like to analyze. Remember, it’s about the AUDIENCE that the product or operation is designed to attract.
Minimum word count for initial post: 150 words.
Minimum word count for response: 50 words.
Obviously, don’t use cigarettes for your topic of discussion.


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