For this discussion, you will look at commitment devices and disclosure in organ


For this discussion, you will look at commitment devices and disclosure in organ

For this discussion, you will look at commitment devices and disclosure in organizations. Complete the following: Give examples of the three types of behavior modification (ABC’s, positive and negative reinforcement).
Explain their impact on organizational behavior.
Explain the role commitment devices and disclosure have in helping individuals with their behavior.
Please give specific examples to support your discussion.
You must include a question (in bold) to stimulate a discussion among your peers. Your question should be at least 200 words in length.
In addition, you are to write a response to a minimum of two other student posts throughout the week. These responses must be substantive, at least 100 words in length, and contain more than just an agreement with a previous post.
The use of APA citations and references is required as needed.


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