Cleaning operations and handymen are two of the most important jobs that Managed


Cleaning operations and handymen are two of the most important jobs that Managed

Cleaning operations and handymen are two of the most important jobs that Managed by Q employs since they are the face of the company. 2015 pay rates and bonuses are listed in the case for the markets of New York, San Francisco, and Chicago. Managed by Q, during this time, was assessing moving into Boston, Atlanta, and Washington DC. 1. Create a job description for each of these two roles (cleaning operators and handymen). 2. Then assess the pay rates in 2015 vs today. What changes would you see? 3. Finally, assess the current New York, San Francisco and Chicago rates vs Boston, Atlanta, and Washington. If Q expanded into these markets, would they be able to offer the same rates? Some good resources to use: Bureau of Labor Statistics: National Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics: State Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Metropolitan Data
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