Assignment 1 Task: The purpose of the Reflective Video(s) discussions is to expr


Assignment 1
Task: The purpose of the Reflective Video(s) discussions is to expr

Assignment 1
Task: The purpose of the Reflective Video(s) discussions is to express your own perspective based on the video. The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the video(s) to support your perspective. Your response has to be one complete paragraph, five complete sentences.
Prompt: Why is domestic violence difficult to accept? What are some factors that make it difficult to move past a violent relationship?
‘What I See’ – A Domestic Violence Short Film
Assignment 2 Task: The purpose of the discussions is to express your own perspective based on the chapter readings. The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the textbook to support your perspective. Your response has to be one complete paragraph, five complete sentences. Prompt: What are some of the reasons women who experience marital rape have similar negative responses as those who are raped by a stranger or acquaintance, and more severe consequences in comparison to women who only experience IPV?
Use examples from the textbook and cite the book. Source: Miller, C. L., Perrin, R. D., Renzetti, C. M. (2020) Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.


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