Week 9: Interactive Learning Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity 9.1 Learning


Week 9: Interactive Learning
Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity
9.1 Learning

Week 9: Interactive Learning
Week 9: Interactive Learning Activity
9.1 Learning Outcomes:
Distinguish between involuntary and voluntary turnover and discuss how each of these forms of turnover can be leveraged for competitive advantage.
List the major elements that contribute to perceptions of justice and how to apply these in organizational contexts involving discipline and dismissal.
Specify the relationship between job satisfaction and various forms of job withdrawal and identify the major sources of job satisfaction in work contexts.
Design a survey feedback intervention program and use this to promote retention of key organizational personnel.
List the main decision areas and concepts in employee compensation management.
Describe the major administrative tools used to manage employee compensation.
Explain the importance of competitive labor market and product market forces in compensation decisions.
Discuss the significance of process issues such as communication in compensation management.
Describe new developments in the design of pay structures.
Explain where the United States stands on pay issues from an international perspective.
Explain the reasons for the controversy over executive pay.
Describe the regulatory framework for employee compensation.
9.2 Action Required:
Design a survey feedback intervention program for an organization of your choice.9.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
Explain the importance of competitive labor market and product market forces in compensation decisions
9.4 Instructions:
Answer the question in test your knowledge section.
Post your answer in the discussion board using the discussion link below (Week9:Interactive learning Discussion)


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