This thesis is written for a subject of interior architecture/design and that is


This thesis is written for a subject of interior architecture/design and that is

This thesis is written for a subject of interior architecture/design and that is what this thesis has to be focused on (not on psychology). The topic of Interior Architecture of Inclusive Community Centres: How to Design a Comfortable Environment has to explain how to design community centres with principles that make you (feel good) in a space and then contribute to (better mental health).
The thesis should include an introduction with the problem statement, research aim, its scope and limitations as well as methodology (can be a chapter on its own as well.) Then a chapter about the community centres with sub chapters with definition, some analysis of the spaces etc. Another chapter what should be included is a chapter talking about (spaces for better mental health) can be named differently, but it should talk about the relationship between built environment and mental health, principles of design contributing to it etc…There should also be a chapter with case studies analising the topic. And a conclusion with a summary of key findings and guidelines for designing inclusive community centres contributing to better mental health.
This is just base information to work around it can be changed, but might help for understanding what the thesis should be about.
The thesis should also contain bibliography in Chicago style referencing and a list of images. Everything has to be properly cited.
As it is a design thesis there should also be some images and graphs enhancing the work.


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