The purpose of these checklists is for you to determine the validity of a study


The purpose of these checklists is for you to determine the validity of a study

The purpose of these checklists is for you to determine the validity of a study (article). The better the articles you choose for your literature review, the stronger your evidence for your clinical practice will be. Take a moment to review pages 708-726 in your Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 4th edition text OR pages 836 (start of the Appendix B) to page 846 (the end of Appendix C “General Appraisal Overview for All Studies”) in the 5th edition text.
. This assignment will utilize the use of a Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist for reviewing articles. The purpose of these checklists is to determine the validity of a study (article) for supporting use for your Clinical Practice Below are the Critical Appraisal fillable form and directions for this assignment.
Here are the directions to this assignment:
***Read the directions carefully as there are multiple parts to this assignment, and all must be completed. ***
Download the Critical Appraisal Form-2-1.docx Complete Part I of the Critical Appraisal Form
Conduct a literature search (Steely Library) of 3 articles
Using Part I of the Critical Appraisal Form, fill in the information with the 3 articles chosen for review
Complete Part II of the Critical Appraisal Form
Identify 1 high quality articles based on your Clinical Question (PICOT), chosen from the 3 articles from Part I
Fill in the Rapid Appraisal overview
Articles must be published within the last 5 years
Do not select systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or clinical practice guidelines
Do choose qualitative or quantitative research, or mixed method articles
3. Finally, upload the following documents to this Assignment for grading.
A pdf copy of your chosen 1 high quality article.
Critical appraisal form — completed. My PICOT question:
In adolescent males with difficulty focusing and or behaving in classroom settings, what is the effect of medication improving behavior, compared to behavior modification techniques, during a 3-month period?
If would like to see text book pages I can send pictures of them. Feel free to ask any questions to clarify


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