Review last week’s discussion forum and locate a potential problem, other than y


Review last week’s discussion forum and locate a potential problem, other than y

Review last week’s discussion forum and locate a potential problem, other than your own. After reading the “case” consider the following:
Are you familiar with the problem?
Do you feel the problem statement (thread title) is correct? If not, how would you restate it.
Is it a simple or complex problem?
Do you feel there would be risks involved in the problem-solving process? Is yes, what action would you take?
Would you expect to encounter any problem-solving traps in “your” potential solution? How could these be avoided? Hint: Without even seeing a response to this “case” I would guess bias of some form might be involved.
-M1 Discussion
Being a student at FTCC, I often found it difficult to figure out which books I need for my classes. Some instructors provide detailed information about the textbooks required, while others do not. Due to this, many students including myself have faced the problem of unknowingly purchasing the wrong books. This can be a significant financial burden for students who are already struggling to pay for tuition and other educational expenses. Therefore, I believe it is crucial that all instructors provide clear and specific information about the required textbooks for their classes. This will help students save money and ensure that they are adequately prepared for their coursework.


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