please have in it the purpose, your data, and your calculations determining the


please have in it the purpose, your data, and your calculations determining the

please have in it the purpose, your data, and your calculations determining the rate law and the rate constant. Since it is a a google doc you can keep editing it after submitting it but I do want to be sure you are starting work on the calculations. Its fine to work with your lab partner on this but both should submit the document. Determine the rate law and the rate constant k for the room temperature parts. Determine the rate constant for the hot and cold experiments. Graph lnk vs. 1/T and calculate the activation energy.
When you write your lab, remember to write for someone who knows chemistry pretty well but is unfamiliar with the lab and doesn’t have the lab handout.
Make use of the rubric attached to this assignment!
Please remember to give your paper a title and put your name on the report and say who your lab partner was. If you and your lab partner worked together to write one lab report you could say something like, “Determination of the Rate law and activation energy for the iodination of acetone” by Bud Abbot and Lou Costello. If you didn’t write it together you could say, by Bud Abbot. Lab partner: Lou Costello. I will provide the ruberic and data once I hire you


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