Please find a documentary film or an animation related to one or more topics you


Please find a documentary film or an animation related to one or more topics you

Please find a documentary film or an animation related to one or more topics you’ve learned during the course and write a review making use of one or more concepts such as liminality, schismogenisis and scapegoating mechanism. The following questions/topics might be helpful in finding a film or an animation. 1- Critically discuss contemporary issues of globalisation and/or development. 2- Is it possible that with a change of world power different values might inform a different form of development? What forms might that take? (Bearing in mind BRIC countries as emerging powers). What is likely to happen in the future –greater alienation/leisure time/risk? 3- The benefits of globalization have not been spread evenly. Discuss. *Please read and refer to academic texts in all essays. All essays should contain in-text citations and a bibliography.


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