Part1 Review the mathematical concepts of number sense, math fluency, geometric


Part1 Review the mathematical concepts of number sense, math fluency, geometric

Part1 Review the mathematical concepts of number sense, math fluency, geometric concepts, and interpreting data in both the primary and intermediate texts. Review the ten student math problems on the “Diagnosing Student Errors” document. The original problem, student work, and answer are given. ————- Analyze and diagnose the student error on the template. Explain the error the student made and create an activity that uses manipulatives that remediates the student on the concept. One activity should use technology as a resource. Submit your completed “Diagnosing Student Errors” ———————- Part2 Meet with your host teacher to design and implement a lesson based on health and advocacy. This should be a whole group lesson if possible. During the lesson, choose a topic related to health that will allow the students to have the opportunity to advocate to make a change in society. For example, if you teach a lesson on nutrition, the students could create posters, brochures, cereal box covers, PowerPoint or Prezi presentations, etc., that promote healthy eating so we have a healthier society. Also, suggest a physical education (PE) activity as a follow-up to your lesson. Some topic suggestions include, but are not limited to, nutrition, dental health, fitness, safety, heart (body) health, mental health, and drugs. Both you and your host teacher should discuss the appropriate time for teaching your lesson. Use the Walden Lesson Plan template.


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