Main Research Question : How does Costco’s membership-based business model infl


Main Research Question :
How does Costco’s membership-based business model infl

Main Research Question : How does Costco’s membership-based business model influence customer loyalty and contribute to the company’s financial performance in the retail industry?
Sub-Questions: 1. How do Costco’s membership fees contribute to its overall revenue, and how have these fees evolved over time?
2. To what extent do membership fees influence customer loyalty at Costco? What strategies does Costco employ to enhance customer loyalty through its membership program?
3. What are the perceptions and attitudes of Costco members regarding the value they receive from their membership fees?
Literature Review
(700-1000 words)
A literature review is a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of knowledge on a topic as found in books, articles, websites, and other publications.
It is used as part of the introduction to, and in preparation for, a research report. It explains what research has already been done on the topic or issue, and provides clues to where future research is heading. Writing a literature review ensures you don’t duplicate work that has already been done. In the case of this assignment, you will be using a minimum of 5 academic/peer-reviewed articles.
Thoughtfully compare, contrast and/or connect the findings/results from a minimum of 5 peer reviewed academic articles. (Multiple paragraphs)
Review the lecture for how to theme articles. Go beyond just summarizing one article per paragraph.
Conclude the review by summarizing the knowledge you found (1 paragraph)
When searching for articles, if you choose to use an article from an international author, ensure the context of the topic is similar to your setting. Articles should have been published in the last 10 years.
Follow APA guidelines for in text citations and References page. Use formal language (and do not use “I” etc.). Do not introduce bias (do not use phrases such as “It is interesting that…” or “This might be because…” etc.). Just present the facts.


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