For your Drama Paper, you will be writing about either of the texts in the drama


For your Drama Paper, you will be writing about either of the texts in the drama

For your Drama Paper, you will be writing about either of the texts in the drama section.
Here are the instructions:
Drama – (3pgs) – The student will write about the themes, ideas, or staging of the play. The student will use quotes from the play to prove their point.
– Argumentative Thesis as required in papers above.
– 3 pages length w/ additional works cited page
– 4-6 quotes from primary source (our text)
– 1-2 secondary sources required and should be quoted in the essay. Your drama paper will focus on Antigone. This play are rife with themes and symbolism. Ask yourself – why do the chracters act this way? What intention did Shakespeare have – what message is he sending? How can I interpret the play or some specific aspect of it? Please remember to follow MLA (or APA) Format and use appropriate secondary sources.
A few things: -Make sure to practice proper quoting and citing/works cited entries. – Remember to use a secondary source as required. The source should be scholarly/academic. You should quote from it and explain why it is relevant to your thesis. Do not use summary sites (Bookrags/Sparknotes/Wikipedia etc) or dictionary definitions. You don’t have to use literary critcism. You can also use modern research about the themes in the play
– Your thesis will focus on an interpretation of meaning either about the play in its entirety or about a part of it. Assignment Description:
Paper Basics: Each paper should be based on a text from that section. The paper should be a thesis based argumentative/interpretative paper about the text(s) of choice. Papers should be 2-3 pages long, double spaced with an additional works cited page. Each paper should include 3-5 primary source quotes from the text, and at least 1 secondary source quote, with in-text citations. Secondary sources should be from legitmate scholarly sources. More information about all of these topics in the various sections below. Drama Paper: Your paper will be about Antigone. You can focus on intepreting the story as a whole, or you can analyze any critical themes of your choice within the play.


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