Focus on Essay 2 & 3. Don’t necessary have to think too much Essay 1. Little Bac


Focus on Essay 2 & 3. Don’t necessary have to think too much Essay 1.
Little Bac

Focus on Essay 2 & 3. Don’t necessary have to think too much Essay 1.
Little Background about myself:
I grew up in Vietnam where agriculture play a crucial role to the country’s economic development. My family own a starch production factory and through that I grew up in an environment where majority of my life revolves around business calls and strategic planning. I’ve had opportunity to meet and do business along with many big companies such as Nestle, Ajinomoto, and more. Through that I was able to develop an interest for business management. Through these precious opportunity of meeting big companies and travel around the world, I was able to have a small glance at how business around the world functions not only about financial, advertisement, and strategic planning but also looking at how culture and diversity play a role in business decision making such as moral and ethical beliefs of a company. My family and I recently became resident here in America, here I am very excited not only hoping to become a member of the Foster UW but also wanted to exchange personal experiences with my peers and future leaders here in the U.S. I also want to mentioned that being an immigrant to a whole different place is a roller coaster for me as I am expose to new opportunities but also the cons is that I face many discrimination issues that discourage me sometimes but looking at the brighter future, I know that this is worth it. The way I want to better the world and my home country is create a business where it create maximum efficiency meanwhile taking ethical values into considerations more such as doing so that maximize social values and demands while still be able to minimize as little to no impact to the community as possible.
Why every applicant should submit a personal statement:
There are three separate prompts and you have 6,000 characters maximum (including spaces) to spread out however you choose. Please answer all of the prompts that pertain to you. A common misconception is that you must answer all three prompts. You are not required to answer all prompts; you may choose to focus on the prompts you have the most to talk about or you could choose to answer all three prompts. Whatever you choose to answer, we recommend taking your time to reflect on your experiences and determine what you would like to share with us. Similarly, your statement should be organized into the three designated sections. Again, you only get 6,000 characters, which includes spaces, total for the entire statement (3 essays combined).
• Be specific when providing examples of when, how long, and what you learned/gained from your experience. As much as possible, be sure to relate the examples to your college academics and/or what you will bring to the Foster School community.
• Be concise, direct and truthful.
• Avoid broad statements such as “I’ve always wanted to attend the Foster School because I want a business degree.” It is a legitimate comment but does not tell us anything distinctive about you.
• When describing your experiences, don’t assume the reader has had your same experiences or shares your perspective. Keep in mind that what you write in the application is used for admission purposes only.
• Be thoughtful about your response.
• Give yourself ample time to write and rewrite your responses. Ensure you are properly using the word limit to effectively express what you are trying to convey.
• It is not necessary to have two spaces after each period, since extra spacing counts towards your allotted word count. Copying and pasting from a Word document can detract from your total word count. We recommend writing directly into the application itself, however it is wise to save a copy of each essay before hitting submit.
Essay 1
The Foster School’s goal is to admit students who are prepared to be academically successful. We understand that students sometimes face challenges in achieving their academic goals. Please describe any extenuating circumstances that have impacted your higher education experience.
• Please only address time periods in which you received college credit – this may include times in which you received college credit while in high school (i.e., dual enrollment, running start).
• This is your opportunity to explain why you didn’t do well in a particular class or over a particular period of time.
• Examples could include but are not limited to being a first generation student*, health issues, financial challenges, cultural barriers, and/or community resistance to education.
*First-generation is defined by the U.S Department of Education as students whose parents/guardians have not completed a bachelor’s (4-year) degree.
Essay 2
The purpose of the Foster School is to develop leaders who strive to better humanity through business. How do you plan to leverage your experiences to advance Foster’s purpose?
• Include how your own cultural awareness has shaped your desire to have an impact as a future business leader.
• Please focus on your own experiences and perspective.
Essay 3
Please describe any significant additional responsibilities you have had (or continue to have) outside the classroom. Explain what you learned about yourself as a result of the responsibilities.
• Please do not use examples from high school unless you have completed high school within the past 18 months or your responsibilities from high school continue today.
• Significant additional responsibilities might include, but are not limited to: employment, substantial volunteer roles, community engagement, student organization leadership, significant family responsibilities.


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