FINAL- MEANING OF LIFE Presentation – select a film to do you presentation on in


FINAL- MEANING OF LIFE Presentation – select a film to do you presentation on in

FINAL- MEANING OF LIFE Presentation – select a film to do you presentation on in which the main character is struggling with the meaning of life- trying to find meaning. Read the 4 positions presented in chapter 9 of our text and decide which position best describes the characters journey/exploration- use sections from previous chapters to flesh out/ support the selected theory.
Grading Criteria
Rubric = Required Sections follow the structure.
I General Intro- Why is the meaning of life a question/problem/ worth discussing? 20%
What cause the characters loss of meaning?
How does this affect the character?
How does the character attempt to restore meaning?
Does it work?
II Body- 1) What is the criteria (philosophy) used to reestablish meaning? 50%
2) How does the selected interpretation work?
3) Why is the chosen criteria sufficient for evaluation?
Philosophy, philosophy, philosophy- use the whole book for support!
III Formal conclusion- what did we learn about the meaning of life from your presentation- why should we value your suggestion? 20%
IV Spelling/ punctuation/ organization… 10%


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