Emphasis: Comparison and Contrast Support: A short story and its movie adaptatio


Emphasis: Comparison and Contrast
Support: A short story and its movie adaptatio

Emphasis: Comparison and Contrast
Support: A short story and its movie adaptation.
Organization: Point-by-point method in MLA format
Format: 12-point standard font, one-inch margins, double-spaced, 500-word benchmark
We make comparisons every day without realizing it.
Sometimes, that comparison is based on facts (comparing computers to see which one is the better deal), while others are based on a personal bias (comparing presidential candidates based on what your friends have posted on Facebook). In this essay, you will be comparing and contrasting the ins and outs of a short story and its movie adaptation.
Read the story: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Watch the movie: the lottery by Shirley Jackson, (1996)


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