Description: Choose a case study to base this presentation on. The case study e


Description: Choose a case study to base this presentation on. The case study e

Description: Choose a case study to base this presentation on. The case study example may be portrayed in national news sources, movies, television shows, or novels. Students are strongly encouraged to select a case in which sufficient information is provided in order to answer the questions. For the case example, students will need to create a slide show presentation (PowerPoint).
Present the case study, discussing the following:
1. Provide an introduction to the case and discuss factors related to lethality.
2. Address risk factors precipitating the suicide attempt. Specifically, you need to consider desire, capability, and intent.
3. Discuss concerns related to ethics and diversity.
4. Explore protective factors that would mitigate suicide risk
5. Complete a fictitious Suicide Risk Assessment, using an SRA document that you would anticipate using at a clinical mental health setting. 6. Develop a safety plan and provide a rationale for the safety plan (as if the person were still alive).
7. Provide a conclusion that reflects on how you will apply what you learned to your work as a counselor
The Suicide Assessment Assignment must: Use APA formatting, Contain all 7 components outlined above.


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