CriteriaRatingsPts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDiagnostic Mode


This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDiagnostic Mode

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDiagnostic ModelProvide a comprehensive review of the change diagnostic model chosen that details the components included, as well as some background about the model itself through research from the author(s).
15 to >13.5 PtsExcellent
The review of the change diagnostic model has great details regarding the background of the model through research.
13.5 to >12.0 PtsCompetent
The review of the change diagnostic model has some details regarding the background of the model through research.
12 to >10.5 PtsLimited
The review of the change diagnostic model has limited details regarding the background of the model through research.
10.5 to >9.0 PtsPoor
The review of the change diagnostic model has poor details regarding the background of the model through research.
9 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeDocumentation and FormattingPaper is properly referenced according to APA guidelines with at least four references, properly cited and in-text citations included.
10 to >9.0 PtsExcellent
The paper is properly referenced according to APA guidelines and has at least four references with in-text citations.
9 to >8.0 PtsCompetent
The paper is missing one reference, but the student used APA correctly and has at least three references with most in-text citations.
8 to >7.0 PtsLimited
The paper is missing two to three references, and the student uses APA inconsistently and has at least two references with some in-text citations.
7 to >6.0 PtsPoor
The paper is missing more than three references and the student uses APA inconsistently and has at least one reference with some in-text citations.
6 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency. There are no references nor supporting in-text citations.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeModel RationaleInclude your rationale defending why that particular model was selected. You can utilize a review of internal and external pressures that have affected the companies chosen.
20 to >18.0 PtsExcellent
The paper includes a supported rational defending the model selected. A review of internal and external pressures are greatly explained.
18 to >16.0 PtsCompetent
The paper includes a somewhat supported rational defending the model selected. A review of internal and external pressures are somewhat explained.
16 to >14.0 PtsLimited
The paper includes a limited supported rational defending the model selected. A review of internal and external pressures are limitedly explained.
14 to >12.0 PtsPoor
The paper did not include a supported rational defending the model selected. A review of internal and external pressures are poorly explained.
12 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeSWOT AnalysisCreate a SWOT analysis based on the above. Compare the two company analyses to each other and offer your perspective (value judgment) of the effectiveness of the changes made to date in each case.
20 to >18.0 PtsExcellent
The paper includes a thorough description of the SWOT analysis comparing the two companies of the changes.
18 to >16.0 PtsCompetent
The paper includes a somewhat description of the SWOT analysis comparing the two companies of the changes.
16 to >14.0 PtsLimited
The paper includes a limited description of the SWOT analysis comparing the two companies of the changes.
14 to >12.0 PtsPoor
The paper has a poor description of the SWOT analysis comparing the two companies of the changes.
12 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeAreas of ResistanceAddress potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the negative effects of such resistance.
20 to >18.0 PtsExcellent
The paper addresses the potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the negative effects of such resistance.
18 to >16.0 PtsCompetent
The paper addresses somewhat the potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the negative effects of such resistance.
16 to >14.0 PtsLimited
The paper is limited in addressing the potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the negative effects of such resistance.
14 to >12.0 PtsPoor
The paper is poorly addressing the potential areas of resistance that were encountered or that you anticipate may be encountered and possible actions to minimize the negative effects of such resistance.
12 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeRecommendationsInclude recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
11 to >10.0 PtsExcellent
Provided recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
10 to >9.0 PtsCompetent
Provided some recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
9 to >8.0 PtsLimited
Provided limited recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
8 to >7.0 PtsPoor
Provided poor recommendations and a lack for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations.
7 to >0 PtsUnacceptable
The paper did not meet this competency.
11 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeHRM.PLO-B HREmploy an interdisciplinary perspective for strategic leadership, HR management and decision making so as to add value to the overall success of a business enterprise.
threshold: 3.0 pts
4 PtsExcellent: The paper includes clear evidence the student integrates professional HR competencies and uses practical HR management applications to ensure human resources are available, capable and effective.
3 PtsCompetent: The paper provides most evidence the student integrates professional HR competencies and uses practical HR management applications to ensure human resources are available, capable and effective.
2 PtsFair: The paper provides some evidence the student integrates professional HR competencies and uses practical HR management applications to ensure human resources are available, capable and effective.
1 PtsPoor: The paper provides little evidence the student integrates professional HR competencies and uses practical HR management applications to ensure human resources are available, capable and effective.
0 PtsUnacceptable: The paper provides very little or no evidence the student integrates professional HR competencies and uses practical HR management applications to ensure human resources are available, capable and effective.
4 pts
Total points: 100
Requirements: 8-9 pages


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