Additional instructions are located in the WORD document attached. Write: An


Additional instructions are located in the WORD document attached.


Additional instructions are located in the WORD document attached.

Answer the following questions: Refer to specific examples, passages, or quotes from the literary work in your discussion.
In this discussion, you will consider how Milton uses character and imagery to convey his theology of “the Fall” in Paradise Lost, and how the epic expands upon arguments presented in his essay Areopagitica.
1. How does Milton use character and imagery to convey the story of the Fall and convey meaning to readers?
2. Identify one character from the epic (Satan, God, Adam, or Even) and find imagery associated with that character.
3. What recurrent motifs can you find?
4. How does that imagery convey meaning about the character and, thus, Milton’s overall story?
5. How are the arguments presented in Areopagitica regarding free will, good and evil, faith and knowledge, and truth present in Paradise Lost?
Choose at least one of these concepts and discuss where it appears in Paradise Lost and how it affirms Milton’s worldview.
6. Bonus Question: Who do you think is the “hero” of Paradise Lost and why?


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