2024_Spring_SPED_5316_Q01_1 – Models Change thru Collaborat_JAN_11 Module 5 Ass


2024_Spring_SPED_5316_Q01_1 – Models Change thru Collaborat_JAN_11
Module 5 Ass

2024_Spring_SPED_5316_Q01_1 – Models Change thru Collaborat_JAN_11
Module 5 Assignment: Online Magazine-Part 2
Module 5 Assignment: Online Magazine-Part 2
Assignment Content
Rationale for the Assignment: The skill of explaining concepts, skills, and ideas is practiced by educators continually in classrooms, conference rooms, in lecture halls, and on the internet. One of the most basic ways of generating collaboration in schools is by the creation of a school/class/grade level magazine. The purpose of the project is to share your understanding about collaboration using technology competencies required of 21st century educators via the creation of a magazine based on collaboration in special education. Learner Objectives & Outcomes: Objective 1: “Collaborate with professionals to increase student success” (Washburn, 2019, p. 1).
LO 1: Explain the rationale and factors involved in collaboration/consultation/teamwork in special education
LO 2: Research and describe collaboration skills and the problem-solving process for improving students learning experiences
LO 7 Apply technology skills to sharing understanding about collaboration by creating an Online Magazine to share with colleagues and/or parents in their schools/districts.
ISTE#1: Learner: ISTE #1: Learner:Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve students learning.
a. Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness
Part 2: Online Magazine: This part of the assignment requires students to combine the 4 synthesis essays they wrote during the course into a magazine about collaboration. Please read all of the steps in the document below to be sure to include all the components of the online magazine project.


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