The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has developed rules, regul


The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has developed rules, regul

The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has developed rules, regulations, and standard operating procedures concerning telehealth services. Review these documents and draft a survey you can provide to patients to determine whether the organization is following these requirements. Address the following requirements in the survey: 1. Draft at least 10 survey questions. 2. Draft questions related to medical privacy and telehealth services. 3. Include questions that will lead to determining whether the facility is following the Standard Operating Procedures. 4. Include a paragraph with each survey question detailing how you feel this question will help improve patient privacy regarding telehealth services in your country. Your paper should meet the following structural requirements: – Three to four pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page. – Formatted according to APA 7th edition writing standards. – Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles ( peer-reviewed articles between 2019 and 2023 ) – Plagiarism percentage should not exceed 25% of the total document.


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