Steps for CompletionPull the files from the Mod3/Class08/Homework folder on the


Steps for CompletionPull the files from the Mod3/Class08/Homework folder on the

Steps for CompletionPull the files from the Mod3/Class08/Homework folder on the GitHub class repository.
One data file is bikedata.csv.
Remember to work from your own git branch. No need to push your work onto the main branch, nor publish your work to the online repo.
Save a copy of the Rmd file as HW08_Lastname_Firstname.Rmd. Answer all the questions there in the file. When you are finished, make sure you can knit your file into Html.
Blackboard does not accept HTML file submission. You need to compress/zip up your RMD file with the HTML file.
Rename the zip file as Submit the zip file here on Blackboard. Do not answer questions inside the code blocks as comments. Those are coder’s comments, and they will not be graded. Criteria for SuccessNotice that there might be more than one way to answer a question. And in some cases, there might be more than one correct answer.
10 points: Answer all questions correctly. The Html file presents a clean and organized document to the reader.
General point deductions:
The zip file does not contain the RMD or Html file. (Deduct 50-100% of that Homework set)
Not all the codes in Rmd file run without error. (Warnings are acceptable. No errors. Deduct 25-100% of that question) Incorrect answers. (Deduct 25-100% of that question)
Html output file too disorganized, or has too much irrelevant information, too long. (Deduct 10-50% of that question)
Submission Instructions
Click the link above (the title of this assignment) to submit the zip file.


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