– stakeholders analysis (impact on stakeholder values and intrests and effects o


– stakeholders analysis (impact on stakeholder values and intrests and effects o

– stakeholders analysis (impact on stakeholder values and intrests and effects of policy changes overtime based on timelime of american chlorpyrifos policy – include specific years): consumers, producers (e.g. farmers, regulators), government – including government perseptive
Describe a current food issue
competing values and interests on either side of a current debate to understand the landscape of food policy and food politics
explain how the issue is related to a policy for a specific target group (e.g. family, university, city)
in-text citations for quotes and paraphrasing
one peer-reviewed article APA style 7th 1500-1750 words, not counting reference list ( 6 pages double-spaced)
Include an introduction, body, conclusion
submitted in PDF format Food Issue Desсrіption
Provides a thorough and insightful exploration of a current food issue or movement.
Competing Values and Interests
Deeply and critically engages with multiple perspectives, enriching the analysis with nuanced insight and recognizing the complexity of this issue.
Policy Implications
Provides a current and comprehensive analysis of policy regarding the issue. Demonstrates clear understanding of the complexity of policy implementation. Writing Quality, Clarity and Structure
Paper is highly relevant to the topic and course.
Writing is exceptionally clear, and well organized, with a sophisticated logical structure that guides the reader through the argument or narrative. None or virtually no grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Sources and citations
A wide range of relevant, credible sources are used effectively, including more than one peer-reviewed article.
Citations are accurate and are formatted in accordance with the APA style guide.
Sources are thoughtfully, and effectively integrated within the paper, such that they enhance the argument or narrative. •Engage Critically: Analyze the issue deeply, questioning assumptions and considering various perspectives.
•Identify Stakeholders: Consider the impact of the food issue or policy
on different groups (producers, consumers, regulators, etc.).
•Balance Views: Incorporate and weigh the competing values and
interests of these stakeholders in your analysis.
•Evidence-Based Arguments: Support your analysis with data and
evidence from reputable sources.
•Reflect on Implications: Discuss the potential effects of policy changes
on each stakeholder group


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