Note: Instructions following through to the end of the page Identify /locate a


Note: Instructions following through to the end of the page

Identify /locate a

Note: Instructions following through to the end of the page
Identify /locate and outline the functions of the following
components of the central nervous system listed :
1.) Neurons
a. Cell body
b. Axon
c. Dendrite
d. Synapse
e. Myelin sheath
2.) Afferent fibers
3.) Efferent fibers
4.) Interneurons
5.) Neuroglia
a. Astrocyte
b. Oligodenrocyte
c. Microglia
6.) Neurotransmitters
7.) White matter versus gray matter
8.) CNS
a. Brain
i. Cerebrum
1. frontal lobe
2. parietal lobe
3. temporal lobe
4. occipital lobe
5. corpus callosum
6. sucli
7. gyri
8. right versus left hemisphere
9. primary motor cortex
ii. Internal capsule
iii. Diencephalon
iv. Thalamus
v. Hypothalamus
vi. Basal Ganglia
vii. Cerebellum
viii. Brainstem
1. midbrain
2. pons
3. medulla oblongata
4. reticular activating system
ix. Blood supply
1. carotid
2. vertebral
3. anterior cerebral
4. middle cerebral
5. posterior cerebral
Be sure to:
Locate or Draw a picture (you can be creative) of the nervous system components and label each structure. Locate a picture of the nervous system to use as a visual to assist in identification of the structures followed by an explanation of the structure’s functions.
Use APA format and include:
– Cover page
– In-text citations – works cited page
References to read through and cite:
1) The Brain: A Guided Tour of the Brain – Mind, Memory, and Intelligence by Cordelia Fine.
– Chapter 1 (Part 1)
– Chapter 2 (Part 1)
Available to read at:
2) Other reading material can be found at:
***I’ve attached – two examples to get an idea of what the final product should look like
– The assignment outline rubric


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