Demonstration of the first ten asanas, Sukh Asana through Kati Asana, and share


Demonstration of the first ten asanas, Sukh Asana through Kati Asana, and share

Demonstration of the first ten asanas, Sukh Asana through Kati Asana, and share the meaning of the sloka Yogastha Kuru Karmani
This Mid-Course Celebration you will demonstrate the performance of the first 10 asanas, beginning with Sukh Asana through Kati Asana that we have covered thus far. The asanas provide the nervous system and our emotions with support to cultivate inner silence while in activity.
This assignment also allows us a deeper exploration of the Bhagavad Gita and encourages each of you to showcase your understanding of Yogastah Kuru Karmani – being present in every moment and action while remaining established in Yoga (Union).
Being established in the Self enables one to experience all aspects of life in oneness. Through establishing asana practice, your experiences in awareness become more calm in peaceful expansion.
Yogastha: = steadfast in yoga,
Kuru = perform,
Karmani = duties or action. Chetanasana samvahan
vellanasana sukh sankalp
sthir sukham sukh
sankalp pad sanchalan pavan write about the yogas and how to perform each add pictures


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