16 slides minimum Utilizing the framework article you choose, create and post a


16 slides minimum
Utilizing the framework article you choose, create and post a

16 slides minimum
Utilizing the framework article you choose, create and post a power point presentation here for a grade. Be sure to refer to the rubric. 
PLEASE, Include all relevant information in the slides- students may not be able to view the notes and voice overs or videos are not required. 
4-5 references within last 5 years
Assignment topic
Health Care for All: A Framework for Moving to a Primary Care-Based Health Care System in the United States
Links to an external site.
* Health Care for All: A Framework for Moving to a Primary Care-Based Health Care System in the United States. (n.d.). AAFP. https://www.aafp.org/about/policies/all/health-care-for-all.html
Brigham, M. G. (2022, August 23). Building a Healthcare Workforce for the Future: Framework and Strategies | Mass General Brigham [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBAsJ7T2fXE&feature=youtu.be


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