hello i needa google slide presentation. NOTE: Please avoid using complex words


hello i needa google slide presentation.
Please avoid using complex words

hello i needa google slide presentation.
Please avoid using complex words and phrases. Use simple and easy-to-understand language.
Use bullet points instead of complete sentences.
Provide a complete explanation in simple words under each slide.
Example: Do not follow the example provided. Use bullet points instead of complete sentences.
one slide for each, the first page that has name and last page for references doesn’t count
here was the explanation of the disease, and i supposed to identify the name of the disease: “senario:14=A 52 year old male entered your clinic complaining of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue and fever symptoms that had started about 2 weeks earlier, shortly after he returned from a hunting trip. Although the fever and nausea had decreased, he still was experiencing diarrhea, headaches, aching joints and muscle pain. He noted that he and his 2 companions from the hunting trip had eaten some of the bear meat during the trip, and that one of his companions had been experiencing symptoms similar to his.”
Initial analysis of disease scenario and explanation:
Name: Trichinellosis and/or Trichinosi
here is my explanation: Based on the symptoms and his history of eating bear meat, it’s likely that the
52-year-old man has Trichinosis, also known as trichinellosis. This illness comes from eating
meat, like a bear, that hasn’t been cooked enough and contains tiny worms called Trichinella.
His symptoms, like feeling sick, having diarrhea, vomiting, feeling tired, fever, headaches,
and muscle pain, all match with what’s expected with Trichinosis. Even though it’s often
linked with eating undercooked pork, other meats like bear, wild boar, or walrus can also
carry this parasite. Doctors diagnose Trichinosis by looking at the symptoms, asking about
what kind of meat was eaten, and doing tests to check for the worms. Once diagnosed,
treatment involves taking medicine to help feel better and to get rid of the worms from the
body. People need to cook meat properly to avoid getting sick like this. Ensuring meat is
cooked all the way through helps kill any harmful parasites or bacteria hiding inside.
Therefore, the man’s illness, Trichinosis, likely came from eating bear meat that wasn’t
cooked enough. His symptoms match up with what’s expected for this illness. To treat it, he’ll
need medication to feel better and get rid of the worms. It reminds everyone to cook their
meat thoroughly to avoid getting sick from parasites or bacteri. so therefore, I need you to make a google slide one slide for each part with pictures that has the:
disease name (including correct pronunciation…if you don’t know, look it up!), and analysis of the scenario (how/why did you decide that this was the disease?)
etiologic agent (including correct pronunciation of the name of the agent), and its general characteristics key tests for isolation and identification of this organism (be specific for this microbe!); how would you isolate and identify this organism in the laboratory? Also, what specific tests would you have to do on a person to determine that this person has this disease?
means of transmission and usual disease reservoirs historical information to include when and who isolated the microbe and any significance of its name signs and symptoms of the disease; body system(s) usually affected
microbial virulence mechanisms contributing to the disease process control & treatment for the disease prevention, including current research about a vaccine or other means of control/prevention
Current local and global outbreaks (with incidence); what is the incidence of this disease in San Diego county/southern California, the US, and globally; this will take you some research online to find this information. You need to create a broad picture of where this disease is typically found. minimum five reliable Internet references, plus any other references used. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable reference. Sources of photos used in the presentation should be documented in the reference list. ________________________________________________________________________________________


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