Ch. 3 and 4 of Hoefer will help you with this assignment. 1. Submit a list of fi


Ch. 3 and 4 of Hoefer will help you with this assignment.
1. Submit a list of fi

Ch. 3 and 4 of Hoefer will help you with this assignment.
1. Submit a list of five (5) possible federal and three (3) possible foundation grant requests for proposals/funding opportunity announcements that could address the problem identified in your team’s community. 2. A link to each request should be included. This is NOT a team assignment. Please complete this individually. 3. Be sure to state your community and community problem at the top of your paper. Students are to work independently and I will be grading the assignment in groups to ensure that one group is not listing the same sources.
4. You must have 3 foundation grants. Foundations can be outside of your community.
You may include grants that have been closed up to one year.


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