Your assignment also entails constructing a thesis and supporting that thesis th


Your assignment also entails constructing a thesis and supporting that thesis th

Your assignment also entails constructing a thesis and supporting that thesis through a formal analysis using visual evidence related to the central theme of the course, ‘individual and society.’ Describe and discuss your artwork in detail and explain exactly which aspects of its content and composition you think demonstrate your thesis points. Make sure to include historical evidence/contextual information as part of the evidence for reinforcing your thesis. You are thus required to use one scholarly outside source of research for the background of your essay.
Politics: consider how the work might express or relate to the political norms of the period; does it uphold those norms or critique them? Does the work promote a certain agenda or worldview? Was the work used in the service of politics (as a diplomatic gift, or as a protest placard, for example)? How might the subject position(s) of the artist or the subject(s) inform the politics of the work? Politics can be expressed at the level of subject, style, material, as well as how the object was used.


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