Writing Part —- Your essay chronicling the opening and closing argument for a


Writing Part —- Your essay chronicling the opening and closing argument for a

Writing Part —- Your essay chronicling the opening and closing argument for a jury trial is worth 50 points; when combined with your visual and oral presentation (50 points) is worth 100 points or 10% of your grade for the course. Don’t Forget your primary Source is Kenneth Milano’s book, The Philadelphia Nativist Riots A second source that chronicles the specific event of the three days of rioting is linked here:Download A second source that chronicles the specific event of the three days of rioting is linked here: Full Account of Kensington Riots.pdfDownload Full Account of Kensington Riots.pdf Instructions: (1) Prosecution & (2) Defense: Your group will submit a written opening argument and closing argument in the case in which you are prosecuting or defending. (3) Those handling the verdict and sentencing will write in the voice of the judge in the cases under consideration. (4) Those evaluating the actions and reactions of city officials to the events and those officials as well as the city and state’s subsequent actions taken with the intention to prevent riots such as this one from occurring in the future. And those tracing the rise of Nativism will present the build up of Nativism in Philadelphia in the early 140’s through the Nativist Riots, and conclude with how the Nativist / Kensington riots impacted the Nativist’s American Republican in the remainder of the decade.


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