Using the Youtube video as a guide, and the annotated bibliography (VERY IMPORTA


Using the Youtube video as a guide, and the annotated bibliography (VERY IMPORTA

Using the Youtube video as a guide, and the annotated bibliography (VERY IMPORTANT, ATTACHED) as a starting point, prepare a literature review based on the topic Juvenile Incarceration in America: Is it Punitive or Restorative? Use this format, your literature review will have three sections 1) Introduction
2) Main Body – synthesis and analysis of articles, and 3) Conclusion) as described in the video. For your Introduction, you should be able to utilize Worksheet #1 as an outline, ( VERY IMPORTANT, ATTACHED)
for the Main Body, you should be able to utilize one of the methods described in the video

(thematic organization may be the easiest and most relevant), and in your Conclusion, you should introduce your research questions and discuss how your Capstone will contribute to the literature on this topic.
What are 3 boolean search terms? Please write the paper with words that an 8th or 9th-grade student can understand.
Please use the following articles for the research and please give me the page numbers on where you find the quotes in the paper. Aizer, A., & Doyle Jr, J. J. (2015). Juvenile incarceration, human capital, and future crime: Evidence from randomly assigned judges.
Barnert, E. S., Perry, R., & Morris, R. E. (2016). Juvenile incarceration and Health.
Bouffard, J., Cooper, M., & Bergseth, K. (2017). “The effectiveness of various restorative justice interventions on recidivism outcomes among juvenile offenders.”
Laird, Robert. “Regional International Juvenile Incarceration Models as a Blueprint for Rehabilitative Reform of Juvenile Criminal Justice Systems in the United States.”
Munir, Aasma, and Malik Jamil A.. “Mediating Role of Religious Orientation and Moral Character for the Relationship between Parent and Peer Attachment and Delinquency.”
Puzzanchera, Charles, Hockenberry, Sarah and Sickmund, Melissa. “Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: 2022 National Report.”
Seiter, L. (2017). Mental health and juvenile justice: A review of prevalence, promising practices, and areas for improvement.
Trigueros, Rubén, et al. “Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Social Skills and Peer Harassment. A Study with High School Students.”
Underwood, L. A., & Washington, A. (2016). Mental illness and juvenile offenders.
Theoretical Young, S., Greer, B., & Church, R. (2017). Juvenile delinquency, welfare, justice, and therapeutic interventions: A global perspective.
Literature Review Rubric (100 points)
Criterion A: Organization & Focus (5 points each)
Inadequate Poor Average Good Strong • How strong and coherent is the paper? • Does the paper have consistent and appropriate tone & focus? • Is the organization of the paper logical? • Are sentence transitions used effectively in the paper? • Is the paper formatted correctly (APA 7th edition)? Criterion B: Research/Textual Evidence (65 points total)
Minimal Limited Proficient Commendable Exceptional • Is the thematic organization of the articles sensible and convincing? (30 points)
• How well is the textual content integrated? (25 points)
• Are direct quotes introduced and integrated effectively? *Or* is paraphrased and summarized information correct and integrated effectively? (10 points)
Criterion C: Grammar and Spelling (5 points each)
Minimal Limited Proficient Commendable Exceptional • Are there errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or other language conventions? • How effective is the word choice, sentence fluency and writing techniques.


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