Syllabus: Analyze three kinds of agencies by their social media platforms: use t


Analyze three kinds of agencies by their social media platforms: use t

Analyze three kinds of agencies by their social media platforms: use the Florida Division of Emergency Management, The City of Orlando Government page, and Orange County Florida Fire Rescue. Follow them on at least three different platforms (say Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok, for examples) then you’ll see what they post in Jan 2024 to March 2024, look at what they share and compare and contrast across platforms. Considering what they post from Jan 2024 to March 2024, analyze their posts for the following:
What kinds of content do they share? (Is it mostly photos, events, policies, etc.) What do you see the most? How does it vary across the platforms?
How often do they share information from other accounts (like retweeting)? And if they do, what kinds of information are they sharing?
How, if at all, does what they share relate to something you’ve read in class? Cite the course readings by Graber 2002.
How do the agencies differ in what they share? Is any of the content similar? Do you see any differences between the level of government and purpose? (Does the local agency differ from the state-level agency?)
What did you like most about the accounts? The least?
If you were the social media manager, what would you change about the feeds and why?
Your final analysis paper should be between 5-7 pages, double-spaced, and references.
Course Readings:
The Power of Communication
Managing Information in Public Organizations
By Doris A. Graber · 2002
Links to Social Media Pages:
City of Orlando-Government:
1. Content Relevance and Alignment
Assess whether the content is aligned with the social media platform’s purpose.
Determine if the content is relevant to the target audience and social media goals.
Evaluate the consistency of messaging and brand identity on the platform.
2. Engagement and Interaction
Analyze the level of engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.) on each platform.
Evaluate the quality of interactions and conversations between the brand and its audience.
Assess the responsiveness to user comments and queries.
3. Audience Analysis
Identify and describe the target audience for the social media campaign for each organization and platform.
Evaluate how effectively the content caters to the target audience.
4. Creativity and Innovation
Assess the originality and creativity of the social media content on each platform selected.
Analyze the use of visuals, graphics, videos, and other media elements.
Evaluate whether the brand uses innovative approaches to stand out from competitors.
5. Syllabus requirements
Answers questions posed in the syllabus.
Cites relevant and required course material.
Paper meets page, font, citation requirements.
Agencies selected are public and meet all relevant criteria.


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