Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to write a short blog (two-paragraphs)


The purpose of this assignment is to write a short blog (two-paragraphs)

The purpose of this assignment is to write a short blog (two-paragraphs) to share your background with your instructor and peers and to reflect, given your major, on your IT knowledge and how this class is going to benefit you. Directions
There are two parts to this blog post. Use the prompts for each part under the Blog Topic section to prepare your two paragraphs and an image or a picture to accompany your blog post. You will use a discussion forum to blog. Once you are ready to post, do the following: In order to write your blog post, select the Reply button below.
Note: you will not be able to see any of your classmates’ posts until you post your blog first
In the discussion, follow the Discussion Forum TipsLinks to an external site. to create your entry. In the Message box, tell us about yourself and reflect on how this course is going to benefit you, describe the image and explain why you chose that particular image to represent you.
Write your blog in a paragraph format. Grammar and spell check your post before you submit. Follow the directions to embed your image in your response.Links to an external site. Make sure the size of your image is appropriate. Click the Post Reply button to post your blog and image to the discussion forum.
Clearly label the paragraph with the title Part 1 or Part 2 in your blog.
Blog Topic
Part 1: Your Introduction Paragraph Write a paragraph about yourself. Suggestions of topic to include in your paragraph are given below. You may follow the suggestions and also come up with topics of yourself to share.
Background about you. Who you are, what you do, and anything else that you would like to share with us? (Hobbies, jobs, vacation, family, etc.)
What is/are your dream(s) or goal(s) for the future?
Take an image of anything that represents you, your interests, or where you are in life right now. Upload the image and tell us why you chose it. It is great if you would like to post a picture of yourself instead! You may take the picture using a camera, a smart phone, or any other device that is available to you. Embed your image in your response.Links to an external site..
Part 2: IT Savvy Paragraph We want to know your level of knowledge in IT. Write a second paragraph explaining your level of using IT. Below are suggestions to include in your paragraph if you don’t know what to say. What is your knowledge level of IT (information technologies)?
Would you say you are pretty good with a computer? Please elaborate.
What do you mostly use the computer for? (Class work, play game, job related work, etc.)
Do you have likes/dislikes about the computer?
You are probably taking this class is because it is required for a major. What is your expectation out of this class and what do you hope to achieve?
What is your major? How will this course help you with classes in your major?


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