Overview As you’ve seen in this module’s materials, there is a strong connection


As you’ve seen in this module’s materials, there is a strong connection

As you’ve seen in this module’s materials, there is a strong connection between the monsters born from human imagination and real, engulfing human fears. This assignment requires you to write an essay discussing how fears create monsters in human imagination. To be able to do that, you need to review the course materials, and also do some independent research.
Check the resources in the grey box below, to give you a starting point, and do some independent research as well.
Write a 3-5 page essay in which you address the following:
How do literary and mythological monsters reflect the fears of the society that created them?
What specific human fears and anxieties sit at the root of the vampire myths and legends?
Explain and illustrate. Consider having an introduction and a conclusion, with 3-5 body paragraphs addressing each of these two questions.
Check the associated Rubric to make sure you cover all the specific requirements.
Submission Expectations
Value quality over quantity: you do not need to write a lot to get full credit here, but you do need to show you are mastering and able to apply the concepts learned.
Always illustrate your topic sentences with clear and specific supportive arguments.
Build your argumentation referencing clear details from the narrative and the lecture.
Use MLA or APA format written in Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1 inch margins.
Include in-text citations for all paraphrases and quotations.
Essays will automatically be reviewed through TurnItIn, an application that analyzes the extent to which writing is plagiarized from other sources. Plagiarism will be dealt with as outlined in the syllabus.
It is better to cite materials than to plagiarize (using someone else’s words as if they were yours), but the point of the assignment is for you to demonstrate your own understanding, so at least 80% of the writing should be your own words.
Submit your essay in a Word .doc or .docx format.
If you use Google Docs, just download as a Word doc before uploading to Canvas.
Review your document before you submit it as some formatting may change between Google Docs and Word.
The link below and 4 of the attachments are the links they attached in the assignment to start the research. https://brewminate.com/monsters-marvels-and-mythical-beasts-from-ancient-lore-to-today/


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