Module 3 Discussion 2 Communication styles Purpose The purpose of this assignmen


Module 3 Discussion 2 Communication styles Purpose The purpose of this assignmen

Module 3 Discussion 2 Communication styles Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to explore different communication styles seen in leaders. This will help you highlight how communication can help or hurt in expressing ideas. Further, you should be able to determine which communication style you exemplify and what adjustments you may or may not want to make. Task(s) Read OER Chapter 7, Effective communication in leadership and management roles- Part 1; OER Chapter 7, part 2, Appendix A, Complete the Self-Assessment of Communication Styles on pages 129 – 130 in your textbook. Use pages 131 – 132 to determine your communication style; and read the article Approach to improving patient safety: Communication. Answer the following discussion forum questions in your main post: What is your communication style? How does your communication style benefit you in the workplace? How does your communication style create difficulties for you in the workplace? What can you do to overcome these difficulties? Grading Criteria This activity is worth 100 points and includes the criteria listed below. Please refer to Discussion Rubric for more details. Criterion 1: Initial post as scheduled (200-400 words) with critical thinking and two references. Remember – Do not quote (if possible) on the discussion board. We want your analytical thoughts after reading the material. Criterion 2: Responded to at least two classmates as scheduled (100 – 200 words) using critical thinking. No additional reference is required. Due Date


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