Introduction As we learned from the Tufte book, the issue with visualization of


As we learned from the Tufte book, the issue with visualization of

As we learned from the Tufte book, the issue with visualization of time series is that time does not always represent the cause. The book suggested few ways to improve data series visualizations. One is to introduce another variable(s) that would also be changing in time and demonstrate the cause of the change in the reporting variable. If the change occurs ones or small number of times, the time series can be visualized as before-after or a set of images representing the state after each change. Directions
You will be asked to sketch a data series visualization using either a pen (then scan or photo the results) or any software for drawing on your computer. You may also use any other tool to draw the chart (e.g. Excel, Tableau), but it is not required.
The source link can be found at ( and it will provide you data of a daily use of Chicago bike sharing system (Divvy) for October-December 2017. This dataset also includes some weather information for the same period.
Make a preliminary analysis of the relation between weather data and the number of rides. Select at least one weather variable that has the strong effect on the number of rides.
Choose an appropriate type of visualization. Sketch a visualization of the use of the bike sharing systems over time explaining at least two reasons for the number’s fluctuation from day to day.
The sketch does not have to show all data points, but it has to give an idea of the causes of fluctuations.
Provide commentary explaining what effects and how did you illustrate with your sketch.
STUDENT REMARKS: I have already drafted the content for this assignment; however, I need assistance with creating the diagrams/charts. Please see the attachment.


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