Instructions Ethics spans a large spectrum in our business world. Per your readi


Ethics spans a large spectrum in our business world. Per your readi

Ethics spans a large spectrum in our business world. Per your reading in Chapter 10, healthcare has gained a great deal of discussion and importance. Both developed and developing countries are facing healthcare affordability. Businesses are faced with tough questions and the rising costs of healthcare to offer employees. Some businesses have reduced healthcare packages or dropped coverage to employees altogether. Global healthcare is a rising problem. Companies around the world are getting into ethical and legal trouble due to this question: Is healthcare a right or a privilege? Choose one of the questions below and elaborate on your response in the discussion. When responding to your peers, keep ethical conduct in mind. Since this is a personal issue, emotions may be involved. You can read more about this dilemma on page 259 in your book. (Ferrell et al, 2022) Question 1: Healthcare protects life; it is a fundamental right and should be provided by the government. Why or why not? Question 2: Healthcare is a privilege and due to high costs should not be provided by the government. Why or why not? Cite sources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA format. Grading
Your points will be based on a minimum of three responses per week: initial answer; and two peer comments. Each of the three responses must be a minimum of three paragraphs and each paragraph must be multiple sentences. All responses must be completed by 11:59 PM, PST, on Sunday. You should log in on separate days to read all of the postings and comment on the posting of your choice. This approach allows you to read the entire body of posts and learn from the thoughts of your classmates and Instructor.


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