Imagine you have just been appointed the Chief of Police or Sheriff of a new cit


Imagine you have just been appointed the Chief of Police or Sheriff of a new cit

Imagine you have just been appointed the Chief of Police or Sheriff of a new city or county police force. You have been given the authority to organize and manage a department as you desire and hire 50 sworn police officers and 20 support staff. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation explaining the following to your city or county commissioners or mayor.
Primary Written Components (100 points):
€ Identify one Organizational Theory (see chapter 5) you will utilize to manage the department. Provide
an overview of the theory and explain how you will implement it in your department (4 to 5 slides; 15 pts.).
€ Develop your organization for the department (see chapter 6) and provide the following:
€ Define Span of Management and indicate the number of subordinates you would assign to
each position and why. Utilize Figure/Table in Chapter 6 ‘Factors Enabling an Increased Span
of Management’ for help. Include how many patrol officers will be supervised by a patrol
sergeant, etc. (2 to 3 slides; 10 pts.).
€ Explain the Top-Down and Bottom-up Approaches, next identify which you would choose
and explain why it fits your leadership theory and department (1 to 2 slides; 5 pts.).
€ Identify and describe the Organizational Design you will implement; then define the potential
positive and negative issues surrounding this design. This is worth 15 points so be sure you include
details sufficient to demonstrate you understand the concept and can implement it within your new department
(3 to 5 slides; 15 pts.).
€ Develop an Organizational Chart; it should include all positions both sworn and civilian with
titles and number of personnel in each position. Remember to include all roles/positions
necessary to run your department (see initial prompt). Further, don’t forget that sick time,
vacation, court, maternity leave, days off, and other factors affect your shifts; if you want a
shift (e.g., Day shift) of 5 officers always working you may need to assign 10 to the shift to
accomplish this. You may use the examples in the text or an actual departments chart for
guidance; however, do not copy another agencies chart. The quality of the presentation counts:
this must be a real chart/graphic similar in format to those in chapter 6. You may find this
video on creating flowcharts in PowerPoint helpful. You may also find using Google Drawings
or FormSwift helpful. (3+ slides; 10 pts.)
€ Select a Leadership Theory (see chapter 7) then provide an overview of the theory (e.g., creator,
history, essential points, etc.) and discuss how you will apply the theory while leading your new
department. Remember, demonstrate what you have learned about this theory, and to apply it
considering the organization design you have chosen above (3 to 4 slides; 15 pts.).
€ Define two Common Errors in Decision Making (see chapter 8) and explain how you will work to
avoid these errors within the confines of what you have said thus far (2 to 3 slides; 10 pts.).
€ Identify the qualification you will set for initial hiring (an entry-level officer) and promotion (for all
ranks used; including you, the Chief). Refer to Chapter 9 for concepts. Set the standards you believe
are necessary; don’t feel the need to follow tradition, but remember hiring and promotions
standards must be valid and reliable.
€ Qualifications to be hired as an entry-level sworn police officer (4 to 5 slides; 10 pts.)
€ Qualifications for promotion to all other ranks (1 slide for each rank; 10 pts.)
Secondary Written Components (30 points):
€ Include five photos/graphics, two charts/tables, and two sources (outside of the text) (8 pts.)
€ Introductory slide (including name, date, & class info) / Conclusion slide (2 pts.)
€ Grammar, punctuation, format, etc. (10 pts.)
€ Overall quality of slide presentation. (10 pts.)
Note on the Entire Project: Do not condense or copy information from the text or other sources
into this assignment. Be creative, explore additional resources, and step outside of what you are
familiar with. Choose managerial practices, which match your personality, and ones you believe will
be useful. Have fun and be creative.
Remember that this is your opportunity to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the
concepts and can explain them. Show to me that you know what you are talking about, don’t copy
definitions or have too little information, but at the same time, don’t go overboard with explanations.
Remember, in this fictitious scenario; you are presenting to people (your new Mayor or Commissioners) who do not know what you are talking about, work to impress them with what you learned with your college degree.


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