Identify two areas of social service work where you would be interested in findi


Identify two areas of social service work where you would be interested in findi

Identify two areas of social service work where you would be interested in finding employment and
Identify and research one agency in each of these areas of service
Write a descriiption of the agency’s mandate and services offered
Keeping in mind what may be asked in an interview, write a brief descriiption of how your knowledge, experience and skills would be an asset to each of these agencies.
Part 2: Knowledge and Skills
Provide one example for each of the categories listed below that illustrates your learning in either the academic portion of the Social Service Worker Program or your Field Placement experiences. Please provide clear examples (be specific).
Professional attitude
Critical thinking
Communication skills
Practice skills
Administration skills
Identify any special training you received or workshops you attended. (If you have not had the opportunity to participate in any additional workshops or training, suggest what might have been helpful to you)
Part 3
Schedule, complete and report on one face-to-face interview with a social service professional using the following questions and add two questions based on your area of interest.
What do you like most about this type of work?
What do you least like about your work?
What skills are essential for this job?
What qualifications are required for this job?
What strategies of self-care would you recommend?
What additional training do they recommend for competence in the field?
Other (anything else you would like to know – please include thoughtful questions that would be specific to your interest)
The report should include the following:
Date of interview
Person interviewed, their job title, and how contact was made
Summary of information received
What steps would you include in your future planning because of the interview?
Any follow-up (e.g., further meetings, further enquiries, and thank you emails/cards)
Part 4
Considering the vocational learning outcomes, consider future learning and development objectives and identify three professional development goals to fill gaps in your current learning and performance. What steps will you take to accomplish these development goals? Please see the website for vocational learning outcomes link found on Blackboard.


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