I have an ecology lab and uploaded the results They are asking for a report and


I have an ecology lab and uploaded the results
They are asking for a report and

I have an ecology lab and uploaded the results
They are asking for a report and its very important
If any info needed please email me
They require 2 pages and hypothesis, graph and something like that
For Shannon wiener index –
Look at table 16.1 in the tb and build your own table with each of the vegetated data and unvegetated data.
1. take all species from both data’s. And take the tot no of species … of each species. But don’t take the species that have 0 number. Avoid those.
2. Next is pi which is basically the indices number of species divided by total number. Like if blaps kollari is 12 and the total no of species of all the species is 300(assume). Your Pi is 12 divided by 300.
3. Next is ln Pi which is basically natural log of Pi value. Put in calculator
4. Next multiply Pi and ln Pi values.
5. After you have that sum it all up and voila done. That’s your Shannon wiener index


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