Danyelle Simmons post. Nursing discussion board, you have to respond to the post


Danyelle Simmons post. Nursing discussion board, you have to respond to the post

Danyelle Simmons post. Nursing discussion board, you have to respond to the post! start the post with Hello Danyelle,
make sure you have a bold title
I feel that self-development is very important. Life is always changing and we need to grow within to accept these changes. I have found that as my role at work changes as I go through further schooling, more self-development is needed. I am growing and changing utilizing the information I am learning to develop myself more into the person I want to be in the future. I have never been good at self-care but have learned while in RN school and now in this program that it is very important. It is easy to not pay attention to yourself when you are busy and overwhelmed but it is one of the most important times to pamper yourself with self-care. Self-care can help improve a person’s health status over time, but it can be hard to make changes due to habits instilled in us early in life (Reigel et al., 2021). I have found that eating healthier makes me feel better and will continue to do this more and more in the future to help provide my body with more energy to stay active as well as help my brain develop further.
Chapter 33 was interesting for me to read this week. I am a child of an addict, which you might think would create me to have a bias against patients who are addicts, but I do not. I use the things I have learned from my parent and our interactions to help me bond with these types of patients. I think the biggest pearl I will take away is the part where they need to learn to trust their own decisions (Dossey, 2022). I already know that trust is a big thing with addicts as patients, to prevent them from getting angry, you say you will come back in 5 min, you need to make sure you go back in 5 min to keep that trust. So it would make sense that they would struggle with trust within as well when in recovery. Each post must cite and reference at least one peer-reviewed source (a journal article published within the last 5 years) in APA 7th edition.
Grade rubric need to have in disscussion Points from other participants clearly built upon and/or refuted. Promotes interaction, asks questions, and/or deepens the discussion. also say they did a great job on their post and say hello to


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