Assignment 2a consists of two parts (2 -3 pages): Part A: Define the Purpose of


Assignment 2a consists of two parts (2 -3 pages):
Part A: Define the Purpose of

Assignment 2a consists of two parts (2 -3 pages):
Part A: Define the Purpose of Your Master’s Thesis
Part B: Formulate 2-3 Clear and Specific Research Questions
Part A: Define the Purpose of Your Master’s Thesis (1/2 to 1 page)
1. Continue your exploration of the existing literature related to your chosen topic.
2. Describe the purpose of your research. Explain its significance and the contribution it will make to the existing body of literature. How does your research address the existing gap in the literature?
Part B: Formulate 2-3 Clear and Specific Research Questions (1/2 to 1 page)
For this assignment, you will identify 2-3 well-defined research questions based on your selected and approved topic.
1. Formulate 2- 3 well-defined research questions for your topic that will serve as the foundation for your thesis. Your questions should be academically rigorous and have real-word relevance and the potential to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge in special education. The research questions should be clear, specific, and demonstrate the potential for meaningful contributions to the existing body of knowledge in special education. Additionally explain the significance of each research question.
2. Research questions can be quantitative and/or qualitative.
3. Follow the 7th edition APA style of writing.


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