Answer these questions about your partner’s draft: 1. Does their paper have an e


Answer these questions about your partner’s draft:
1. Does their paper have an e

Answer these questions about your partner’s draft:
1. Does their paper have an engaging title?
2. Does their introduction have a hook and a thesis?
3. Do their analysis paragraphs include a strong topic sentence? Do their topic sentences name specific “devices” (you don’t need to know the precise names of the devices, you can describe them) and the effect of the audience?
4. Do their analysis paragraphs include an example of how the device is used in the ad?
5. Do their analysis paragraphs include a description of how the device affects the audience?
6. Does their synthesis paragraph compare the effectiveness of both ads based on the writer’s previous analysis? 7. Does their conclusion have a strong call to action or include further implications of their analysis?
8. Does their paper have MLA citations?
*These questions should guide your peer review. You can also include any other feedback you may have for them. Also, please remember to compliment your classmate on what they are doing well!


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