Your CEO, Shawn Jones, is on vacation with his family but needs to be alerted to


Your CEO, Shawn Jones, is on vacation with his family but needs to be alerted to

Your CEO, Shawn Jones, is on vacation with his family but needs to be alerted to this situation, so your director asked you to write a recommendation about what action should be taken by the organization.
For your recommendation, you should conduct an investigation that includes primary research internal to the organization (using this social media policy and this disciplinary policy) and secondary research external to the organization (such as similar situations at other organizations, recommendations from HR/Legal organizations, and research from academic resources). Your official investigation of the situation will determine the organization’s steps to address it, including disciplinary action.
The following examples can get you started, but feel free to use other applicable resources:
Examples of similar situations:
Marine Sgt. Gary Stein
Caitlin Davis, Patriots Cheerleader
Kiersten Bak, Delta Airlines
Elizabeth Lauten, communications director for Republican Representative in Tennessee
Alexi McCammond, Teen Vogue
Justine Sacco, PR Executive
Kaitlyn Walls, daycare worker
Scott Bartosiewicz, Chrysler
Assignment: This week’s focus is on research and planning for the 5 – 7-page paper due during Week 4. Using information from chapters six, ten, and thirteen of the textbook, complete the following activities:
Complete the research for the paper. This includes identifying your sources and creating any charts or tables from the data you’ve compiled.
Create a message framework according to the example shown in Figure 6.4 on page 181 of the textbook. This framework should serve as a structured outline for your final paper.You may use this Framework Outline to help you complete this part of the assignment. Simply remove the italicized text and add your own information into each section.


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