Leaders play a big part in the success of their organizations and the people the


Leaders play a big part in the success of their organizations and the people the

Leaders play a big part in the success of their organizations and the people they influence. Leaders can drive growth, encourage innovation, and help companies and employees meet their goals. Good leaders are effective because they possess a unique set of skills and personality traits that enable them to take charge and inspire confidence in their team. Poor leaders can cause dissension, poor morale, and drain the productivity from an organization and its employees. In this written assignment, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback to an individual in a leadership role from your past or current work environment or some other setting. Instructions 1.Select a leader with whom you are personally familiar at either a current or former place of employment. If you can’t identify a leader from a current or former work setting, select a leader from some other experience you have encountered such as a teacher, coach, religious leader, community volunteer, family member, and so forth. Create an alias for this person including a brief description, their role, and your relationship to them. Avoid including any information that would allow the person to be identified. 2.Describe the leadership characteristics possessed by this person, or explain which important characteristics this person lacks. 3.Discuss the leadership abilities of this person through the lense of situational, path-goal, or leader-member exchange leadership theory. 4.If you were providing helpful leadership advice to this person, what would you suggest? Citations are required including in-text referencing followed by a reference list of three to five scholarly references in APA Style. The writing must be in your own words. This writing assignment should be 3 to 5 pages (750 to 1500 words) using 12-point Times New Roman and 1-inch margins. Citations/references should not be included in the page/word count.


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