Instructions Form a group of two students and write a technical user manual to



Form a group of two students and write a technical user manual to

Form a group of two students and write a technical user manual together.
Think about the last time you consulted a user manual. Maybe it was to reference your vehicle’s oil type, recommended tire pressure, or air filter location. The point is: no one reads a user manual from beginning to end. A successful user manual provides quick answers in easy-to-understand terms. The most effective user manuals are organized to give users fast access to information.
The best writers understand their audience. When authoring manuals, writers must think like the end user and understand how the product will be used. This involves anticipating the end user’s skill level, most basic needs from the documentation and what problems led to referencing the manual.
Manual content should be written so that it presents the problem, offers a solution and presents methods toward achieving the solution. To achieve this, the writers should focus on the goal of outlining the steps necessary for accomplishing the task at hand.
User manual content can range from less than a dozen to hundreds of pages. Generally, the more complex the product, the lengthier the manual. At its core, a user manual is a set of instructions presented in a style and format that facilitates quick reference, and helps the product to succeed in the market. Here are six important components of effective user manuals:
1. Table of Contents
A table of contents is a list of its chapter or section titles or brief descriptions with their page numbers. It should be an automatic table of contents (if you still do not know how to make it, check on YouTube or ask a friend).
2. Introduction
Your user documentation should be comprehensive and provide accurate help to customers. That is when customers will start using it frequently for problem-solving. Your customers should be able to trust the information provided in the document. Therefore, provide general information about your company and the product in this section.
3. Procedural Steps
This is the main body of the user manual, and will most likely involve a problem that cannot easily be summarized or explained. Logical, numbered steps help the user solve a problem. To aid in clarity, illustrations or videos can help with component or experience visualization.
4. Content Clarity
Whenever possible, avoid technical language that may isolate audience segments. Imagine you are writing for a junior high school student. Tables and graphs can help show how sections of content relate, compliment and contrast.
5. Glossary of Terms
Every industry has its own language and vocabulary, but some users may not be familiar with even the most commonly used terms. A glossary of terms not only serves as a reference tool, but also gives each term a “home,” eliminating the need for the writer to repeatedly re-state and re-explain definitions.
6. Precautionary Information
Warnings, notes of caution and danger notices aid user safety and help the manufacturer address liability concerns related to the product. Use universal graphic symbols to represent each type of risk to the end user.
Submission guidelines
The team leader submits the assignment in Blackboard, indicates the team members on the cover page, and sends an email to me and the entire team, with the names of all team members. This email is to confirm that the document has been submitted.
Deadline: March 30, by 11:59 pm (Late submissions of the final version will be penalized 5% per day.) Create the document in MSWORD and submit your work in Blackboard.
The following information must appear, centered vertically and horizontally, on the first page (cover page) of your assignment:
COMM 2312: Technical and Professional Communication, Section #
Submitted to Dr. Joel Craig Richmond
By [insert your names, followed by your student numbers in parentheses)
Assignment 3: Technical User Manual The date
Begin the manual on page 2.
The assignment will be checked for plagiarism. Any evidence of plagiarism will automatically result in grade of 0.
Rubric (20 points = 20% of your final course grade)
Content (all required elements are properly covered) /10 points
Language (spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, etc.) /5 points
Format (cover page, layout, length, etc.)
/5 points
Total: /20


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